Annabel's campaign

Annabel is a happy, smiling 5-year-old who wants to be a nurse when she grows up. Her family just wants her to be able to grow up. In April 2023, aged 4, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma and given 40-50% chance of long-term survival at diagnosis. After completing 15 months of treatment with the NHS, Annabel's family are fundraising to go to America for treatment that isn't currently available in the UK.

Fundraising total£37,059.28
Target £105,000.00

Meet Annabel

Annabel was a normal happy four-year-old when she started complaining about back pain. 

After five weeks of getting sent home from the GP and A&E - being told it’s a virus – Annabel’s parents finally got the news every parent dreads. Annabel had Stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer that has a 40-50% chance of long-term survival at diagnosis. The hospital found a tumour near Annabel’s kidney and discovered her bones were bulging with cancer cells - the source of her crippling pain. Annabel had lost 30% of her body weight and could hardly walk. 

Although her family was devastated, at least it meant treatment could start and take away her pain. Over 15 months, Annabel has braved: chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, stem cell harvest, surgeries, proton therapy, immunotherapy, hair loss, nasal feeding, and life with intrusive medical lines. She’s missed her first year at school and making friends. But she’s done it all with a smile on her face and trademark Annabel sass! Even finding time to have fun and make friends at hospital during her darkest days.

 For children with high-risk neuroblastoma, like Annabel, the survival rate is much lower than many other childhood cancers. Upon relapse, survival is greatly reduced. The FDA has approved DFMO in the US, a drug that aims to prevent relapse, and the approval process is underway in the UK but will not be possible soon enough for Annabel, as she must enrol on the DFMO study shortly after her last treatment ends. As her only option to access the drug it to travel back and forth to America, her mum and dad - Mike and Libby - are asking for your help to raise £105,000 by October. 

Donate to Annabel's campaign

High-risk neuroblastoma is an aggressive cancer with high rates of relapse. At relapse, the chance of survival is extremely low. A donation from you could help Annabel access a potentially life-saving drug in America.

Donate now

Annabel’s story written by mum Libby

I was watching Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer when I heard a mum talking about her son’s cancer story. Annabel was beside me on the sofa where she’d been for the last month. She was in so much back pain that she’s couldn’t move. So we watched a lot of TV together. A mum came on screen and described her son having exactly the same symptoms. Then she said something that cut me like a knife. ‘He was complaining about back pain. A few months later, he was gone.’ I knew in my gut that was what Annabel had. But no-one was taking us seriously. Our GP and A&E kept sending us home saying “Children don’t get back pain.” “She’s not consistent about where it hurts.” “It’s most likely a virus”. “Come back if it gets worse…”

It got worse.

After five weeks, my beautiful little girl was immobile and a bag of bones. We carried her to A&E and refused to leave until we got answers. After a full day of tests and an overnight stay, we finally got answers. “We’ve found masses around Annabel’s kidneys. Do you know what we mean by masses…?”

They took blood and samples – and admitted us to the children’s oncology ward immediately – but it was weeks until they could diagnose exactly what type of cancer Annabel had. It was an agonising wait. We still hoped it would be an ‘easy’ cancer to treat. Boy, were we wrong.

Our consultant sat us down and she she was so sorry but Annabel has one of the most aggressive and fatal types of childhood cancer. It would take about 18 months to treat and Annabel had a 50/50 chance of survival. As a mum, there’s nothing worse you can hear. Luckily, our amazing consultant KNEW we could beat this. And our long and stressful cancer journey started.

Treatment so far

Annabel has been through so much since her diagnosis in April 2023.  Her parents have almost lost track of all the procedures she’s endured, alongside months of daily injections, numerous blood and platelet transfusions, painful bone marrow aspirates, been fed through an NG tube, had countless x-rays, MRI and MIBG scans.

Side effects of this aggressive treatment have included vomiting, nerve and joint pain, loss of appetite and weight loss, and tiring easily, which means she often uses a wheelchair when out and about.

The chemotherapy Annabel received at the start of treatment, meant losing her long ‘princess hair’ and is often mistaken for a boy. A mistake she’s very quick to correct!

Her treatment and scans also put her at a higher risk of getting secondary cancers in the future, and will leave her with lifelong additional needs.

Treatment has been hard on the whole family. Her teenage sister has been left home alone a lot while her parents have had to stay in hospital. Annabel’s dad has taken a career break to care for Annabel full-time. And her mum has worked long hours to keep the family and her business afloat between hospital stays. 

Annabel has missed her full first year at school. Although she’s proud to model her uniform and can’t wait to start! She was even a model for Tommee Tippee when she was a newborn. 

'Our beautiful little warrior also won an award for her bravery. We can’t wait to see what she achieves next!,' says mum, Libby.

Fear of relapse

After 15 months of treatment, Libby and Mike are now focussing on their daughter remaining cancer free. For children with high-risk neuroblastoma, like Annabel, the survival rate is much lower than many other childhood cancers. Upon relapse, survival is greatly reduced. 

The FDA has approved DFMO in the US, and the approval process is underway in the UK, but will not be possible soon enough for Annabel, as she must enrol on the DFMO study shortly after her last treatment ends. Her mum and dad - Mike and Libby - are asking for your help to raise £105,000 by October.

In December 2023 the FDA approved DFMO in the United States because the data showed that children who received DFMO for two years had less than half the risk of relapse than the children who did not receive DFMO.

“Annabel wants to be a nurse when she grows up. We just want her to be able to grow up. To put this horrific disease behind her and live as normal a life as she can now, even though she’ll have to deal with long-term health consequences. She’s such a bright and happy girl. She deserves to make her mark on the world.”

Annabel’s mum, Libby

Download fundraising resources

Annabel campaign poster

Annabel campaign poster, 389.9 KB

Annabel event poster

Annabel event poster, 193.6 KB

Annabel sponsorship form

Annabel sponsorship form, 282.6 KB

Order fundraising resources

Order your collection tins and buckets and charity wristbands to support your fundraising.

Solving Kids' Cancer UK's children's fundraising campaigns 

Funds raised will go towards helping Annabel and her family. If Annabel no longer needs the funds or is in remission five years post the end of successful treatment, the funds will be used to support other children and families affected by neuroblastoma through our activities. For children with high-risk neuroblastoma, like Annabel, the survival rate is much lower than other childhood cancers. Upon relapse, this rate reduces even further.

Donations and comments

Ken Haswell£200.00

Donated on: 15th September 2024

from Richy Haswell's M&D You are all in our thoughts every day.

Hilarie Tucknot£20.00

Donated on: 14th September 2024

Pete Fillery£25.00

Donated on: 13th September 2024

Sending love and strength for happier and healthier times x

Emma Appleby£10.00

Donated on: 13th September 2024


The Yard, Blaydon£45.52

Donated on: 13th September 2024

Richard Malthouse£250.00

Donated on: 12th September 2024

I'm making this donation on behalf of Dr Sarah Cox - a friend of Annabel. Sarah is a great supporter of Annabel (who wouldn't be) and Sarah has been immensely helpful to a campaign that I'm involved in. This is the campaign's way of thanking her.

Christine Scott£20.00

Donated on: 12th September 2024

No child should be put at risk of dying through lack life saving treatment. Good luck Annabel, you’re amazing !

Joanne Lowe£10.00

Donated on: 11th September 2024

Keep fighting and never give up. Sending strength 💕

Mark Ferguson£25.00

Donated on: 11th September 2024

Annabel Baillie£50.00

Donated on: 11th September 2024

For Annabel From another Annabel

Stephanie Knox£20.00

Donated on: 10th September 2024

Sending love and hope to you all ❤️

Simon Burton £25.00

Donated on: 10th September 2024

Well Done Libby for completing the GNR amazing. Lets get Annabel to America. You are an amazing family and Annabel is such an inspiration and so deserves this. Lots of love Nanita, Simon, Aliyah and Alesha xxxx

Kibblesworth Village Millenium Centre£1,741.00

Donated on: 10th September 2024

Best of luck with your fundraising!

Jane Henderson£10.00

Donated on: 9th September 2024

I wish I could give you all of the money to get to America. Keep going you brave little girl ❤️

Andrzej Niemiec£10.00

Donated on: 8th September 2024

Steph Thompson £10.00

Donated on: 8th September 2024

Good luck in the Great North Run, Libby - you inspire us as parents, and if we can be even just a smidge of the parent you are to Annabel, we’ll be winning xx

James Wilkinson£13.00

Donated on: 7th September 2024

Wishing you well Libby for the GNR and the support for Annabel x x James.

Jacqui Candlish£20.00

Donated on: 7th September 2024

Jacqui and Dave Candlish (friends of Michael and Isabel Forrest)

Stephanie Bews£10.00

Donated on: 7th September 2024

Andrew Haste£25.00

Donated on: 6th September 2024

Kirsten Johnson£15.00

Donated on: 6th September 2024

Fingers crossed for you ♥️

Kieran Piper£50.00

Donated on: 6th September 2024

Thinking of you all x

Philip Jenkins£10.00

Donated on: 6th September 2024

Great north run fundraiser

Jennifer Brookbanks£25.00

Donated on: 5th September 2024

Keep going Libby, you're amazing. Love Jenn, Alex, Elsie and Flora x

Rosie Brown£10.00

Donated on: 5th September 2024

Sending you all my love and strength xx

Mark Flood£25.00

Donated on: 5th September 2024

Sending huge love from Robyn xx

Victoria Valentine£50.00

Donated on: 5th September 2024

Following your story closely and sending lots of love and best wishes to the whole family. Xx

Lorna Morns-Stephenson£5.00

Donated on: 4th September 2024

Keep fighting xx

Jenny Forrester£10.00

Donated on: 3rd September 2024

Sending love and prayers x

Michael Forrest£20.00

Donated on: 3rd September 2024

Hannah Lynn says good luck Annabel, thinking of you.