Solving Kids' Cancer UK is a certified member of the PIF TICK scheme as a Trusted Information Creator.

What is the PIF TICK? 

The PIF TICK is an indicator of health information you can trust. NHS organisations, health charities, and companies creating, and publishing health information can apply for the PIF TICK.  

When the PIF TICK is displayed on health information, it shows that the information you’re viewing has been through the robust production process set out by the Patient Information Forum.

Why is it important? 

With so much information online, it can be difficult to know what to trust. The PIF TICK gives our health information a quality mark which assures readers that the information they’re viewing is reliable and trustworthy.  

It’s our job to help families access the health information that they need. Having the PIF TICK on our information shows that you are reading, watching or listening to information that has been produced to the highest possible standard.  

The Criteria

To be awarded the PIF TICK our health information production process must meet 10 key criteria: 

  1. We produce our information using a reliable process.
  2. We train and support our staff to produce high quality health information. 
  3. We produce information that addresses genuine need. 
  4. We ensure our information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence. 
  5. We involve families effected by neuroblastoma in the development of new health resources. 
  6. We ensure our health information is written to meet health and digital literacy, language and accessibility needs of the target audience. 
  7. We make it as easy as possible to access our information.  
  8. We actively collect and act on feedback from users of our health information. 
  9. We promote our health information to maximise reach and help as many families as possible.  
  10. We measure the reach and impact of our health information and assess how it’s helping the people that use it. 

All our information that meets the 10 key criteria will get the PIF TICK. Keep an eye on our website to see the TICK on more of our information in the future. 

Our PIF TICK accreditation will be assessed every year. We will continue to follow the 10 key criteria when producing all our health information, and will continue to develop and improve our processes to ensure we are providing families with the best possible health information. 

If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback on our information or how we produce it, please get in touch at research@solvingkidscancer.org.uk