Jessica's campaign

Jessica is the sweetest, kindest four-year-old who loves animals, all things Peppa Pig and playing with her cousin, Maeve. Jessica has high-risk neuroblastoma.

Fundraising total£65,034.00

In April 2021, Jessica was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer that has a 40-50% chance of long-term survival at diagnosis. After Jessica was diagnosed, she started the standard frontline treatment path immediately, but the disease has not responded as hoped.  

Her family are fundraising for potentially life-saving treatment for Jessica, and because Jessica has refractory disease, her treatment options are more limited. Treatment not available through the NHS can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds. Follow Jessica's story on social media.

Donate to Jessica's campaign

A donation from you could help Jessica access potentially life-saving treatment in the future, either to get her back into remission or to try and keep the cancer away.

Donate now

Jessica’s story 

Leading up to Jessica’s first birthday, her parents Nathan and Anisa noticed Jessica wasn’t her usual self. She was restless during the nights, which they had attributed to her teething. A few weeks later, they noticed dark circles appearing under Jessica’s eyes, so they contacted their GP and were referred to their local hospital for an eye appointment. Due to the waiting times, Jessica’s parents, Nathan and Anisa, decided to take her to A&E at James Paget Hospital where she was kept overnight for tests to be carried out. 

The very next day they were told by the doctor that they believed Jessica had neuroblastoma and she was sent by ambulance to Addenbrooke's hospital. Jessica had a biopsy the following day and on the 22nd April 2021, Jessica was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma. She began Rapid COJEC chemotherapy immediately. 

Treatment so far 

After completing eight rounds of chemotherapy, Jessica's scans came back showing less than a 50% reduction in overall disease. As a result of this, Jessica went on to have a further eight rounds of chemotherapy, which continued to reduce the disease, but unfortunately not enough for Jessica to be considered eligible for the next stages of frontline treatment - surgery and a stem cell transplant. 

In March 2022, Jessica enrolled on the MiNivAn trial at Southampton Hospital. This therapy aims to improve outcomes for children with relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma by combining targeted radiotherapy (I-131 MIBG) with immunotherapy antibodies anti-GD2 (ch14.18/CHO) and anti-PD1 (Nivolumab). Jessica’s initial scans showed broadly stable disease, which was disappointing. 

Jessica’s second set of scans during the trial showed improvement, with a considerable amount of disease having reduced. She completed the trial in November 2022 and final scans showed little change. Although scans showed a significant reduction in the amount of disease in Jessica’s body, after the trial she still had more spots than they’d hoped. There was uncertainty over whether or not the next treatment step of high-dose chemotherapy was the best option for Jessica.

In February 2023 Jessica had reassessment scans to determine how active the remaining spots of disease were, and incredibly the results showed no active disease. After undergoing a biopsy of her liver, where there had been persistent disease from diagnosis, the family were informed that no neuroblastoma cells were found.  As a result, it was decided that high-dose chemotherapy would not be the best next step for Jessica and instead in May, she started 6 months of retinoic acid. Jessica tolerated this well with minimal side effects.

In August, the family and their treating team decided there was no need to continue with this treatment as there had been little change since Jessica started.

Scans in September showed the great news there had been no change in her disease since her previous scans in February, and Jessica continues to have no active cancer cells.

"Jessica has undergone so much for someone so young, having in the region of 30 blood transfusions, 20 scans, 4 Hickman lines, countless injections and travelling miles around the country for treatment. Even after all the treatment she has received, she is doing amazingly well."

Jessica’s dad, Nathan

Download fundraising resources

Jessica’s campaign poster

Jessica’s campaign poster, 196.7 KB

Jessica’s campaign event poster

Jessica’s campaign event poster, 186.9 KB

Jessica’s campaign sponsorship form

Jessica’s campaign sponsorship form, 243.8 KB

Order fundraising resources 

Order your collection tins and buckets and charity wristbands to support your fundraising.

Solving Kids' Cancer UK's children's fundraising campaigns 

Funds raised will go towards helping Jessica and her family. If Jessica no longer needs the funds or is in remission five years post the end of successful treatment, the funds will be used to support other children and families affected by neuroblastoma through our activities. For children with high-risk neuroblastoma, like Jessica, the survival rate is much lower than other childhood cancers. Upon relapse, this rate reduces even further.

Donations and comments

Veronica Dawson£25.00

Donated on: 2nd July 2024

Jessica's Nanny told me her story. What a brave little girl supported by an amazing family. I hope she continues to make good progress.

Anonymous - donated on 9th March 2024

Donated on: 1st May 2024

From all at AC Mill Lane U10s

Joe Arbon£10.00

Donated on: 25th April 2024

Wishing all the best❤️

Niamh Pennington£500.00

Donated on: 25th April 2024

Colchester DVLC would like to donate £500 from the proceeds of our annual scooter rally, Mersea Island Scooter Rally

Manual adjustment - Solving Kids' Cancer UK£3,756.17

Donated on: 25th April 2024

Manual adjustment from Solving Kids' Cancer UK£60.60

Donated on: 10th April 2024

Ian Moir/Masons£3,000.00

Donated on: 17th January 2024

Orient Lodge 4085 donation

Manual adjustment from Solving Kids' Cancer UK£256.40

Donated on: 16th November 2023


Donated on: 22nd September 2023

Manual adjustment by Solving Kids' Cancer UK.

Manual offline donations update£345.00

Donated on: 21st July 2023


Donated on: 26th April 2023

Manual adjustment by Solving Kids' Cancer UK.

Anthony Cox£20.40

Donated on: 25th April 2023

Daniel Russo£40.80

Donated on: 24th April 2023

Tamara Lloyd Kelly£250.00

Donated on: 24th April 2023

Money raised from Ghost Walk ??


Donated on: 24th April 2023

Money raised by NatWest Intermediaries. All the Best ??

natalie chase£250.00

Donated on: 24th April 2023

Sending lots of love your way ??helping to raise as much as possible for beautiful Jessica - love from Natalie at The Beauty Garden xx

Zofia Szczech£2.04

Donated on: 20th April 2023


Donated on: 6th April 2023

Money raised by NatWest Easter Game. Good Luck Jessica x

Jade Lambert £500.00

Donated on: 30th March 2023

Sending lots of love and warmth during this difficult time x

Claire Hill£15.30

Donated on: 26th March 2023


Donated on: 22nd March 2023

Manual adjustment by Solving Kids' Cancer UK.

Rosemary Goddard£20.40

Donated on: 15th March 2023


Donated on: 2nd March 2023


Donated on: 27th February 2023

Manual adjustment by Solving Kids' Cancer UK.

Julie Tracey£5.10

Donated on: 24th February 2023

Love Phil and Julie

Patricia Irish£20.40

Donated on: 18th February 2023

Our thoughts are with you Pat and Kelly

Wipawee Oregan£10.20

Donated on: 15th February 2023


Andy Bird£25.00

Donated on: 11th February 2023

Mark Burkill£25.50

Donated on: 8th February 2023

With fondest memories of Maurice Butler and best wishes to Jessica


Donated on: 7th February 2023

In memory of your Great Grandfather Maurice Butler who died January 8th 2023 , aged 94 years.