Always remembering
Kyle was affectionally known as ‘Smiley Kyle’. He was a happy and cheerful little boy and had a captivating smile. He loved animals and his favourite song was ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’. Kyle passed away when he was just two years old.
Kyle’s story
Kyle was born in March 2012, a normal, healthy baby. He achieved his developmental milestones and was a very happy, healthy toddler until November 2013.
His mum Nyree’s first concern was a slight turn in his eye, which was examined by a specialist who found no problems. Towards the end of November 2013, Kyle began to go off his food and bruising appeared around one of his eyes, but it was thought that he had hit himself with a toy.
Further bruising appeared, and when he was reluctant to stand one morning, his parents took him to hospital. The hospital diagnosed anaemia and prescribed iron with a follow-up in two weeks. A couple of days later, Kyle’s condition worsened, and he was taken to Glasgow Yorkhill Hospital and admitted.
After a series of investigations, Kyle was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. He commenced Rapid COJEC treatment.
Throughout this treatment Kyle maintained his happy cheery nature and always had a smile for everyone.
Kyle had follow-up scans but had not cleared sufficient disease to proceed to surgery so went onto a chemotherapy regimen consisting of Topotecan-Vincristine-Doxorubicin known as TVD. Unfortunately, TVD was not successful, and the disease had become more widespread. Kyle was accepted onto the BEACON Trial.
Throughout it all, Kyle accepted the treatment he received, and the hospital became his second home. He looked forward to weekend visits from his brother, Jamie, and his Granny and Grandpa. His mum, and Aunty Belinda, stayed at the hospital and when he had good spells, took him to the park to feed the ducks and play on the swings. Kyle loved his 'blankie' and was never parted from it. He also loved “Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star” being sung to him after his bedtime story, which was always “The Three Little Pigs”.
After one round on the BEACON Trial, it was clear that Kyle was not responding as he developed swelling on his eye and was in a lot of pain. An MRI revealed further tumour presence, with a large tumour behind his eye which needed urgent radiotherapy.
Kyle attended hospital daily for five rounds of radiotherapy treatment. When the family were told that the disease was so aggressive that there were no other treatment options available to Kyle, they decided that Kyle should be at home with his family.
Once at home, Kyle and his family spent days at the park, visiting the zoo, playing in his garden playhouse, trying to lead a normal life.
Kyle very rapidly deteriorated and had increased pain killer requirements. The family returned to the hospital a couple of days later where he was admitted for further scans, which revealed more disease with new tumour presence in his spine and skull.
He passed away on 13th June in the arms of his parents.
"Kyle spent a week at home and was clearly happy to have family and friends visit regularly. He had his own surroundings and the things he loved most and was visited daily by hospital staff. He went to sleep on Friday 13th June at 12:15 am with us cuddling him. Kyle will always be remembered by all as the wee happy boy with beautiful eyes and a captivating smile."
Kyle’s family
Donations made in loving memory of children
Funds raised in loving memory of Kyle will be used to support other children like Kyle and their families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities.
Donations and comments
Belinda Crawford£100.00
Donated on: 14th December 2024
Precious memories of our beautiful Kyle, loved always
Lily Crawford - donated 23rd Dec 2023£100.00
Donated on: 26th April 2024
Precious memories of our special baba
Lily Crawford£102.00
Donated on: 23rd December 2022
Precious memories of beautiful Kyle, lots of love from granny xxxx
Lily Crawford£102.00
Donated on: 25th December 2021
Precious memories of our special baba, love from granny xx
Lily Crawford£102.00
Donated on: 27th February 2021
Loving heavenly birthday wishes precious boy from granny xxx
Lily Crawford£100.00
Donated on: 13th June 2020
Precious memories of our beautiful Kyle on his anniversary in heaven, love from granny xxx
Lily Crawford£100.00
Donated on: 14th December 2019
Precious memories of our beautiful Kyle, love from Granny