ACTION Consortium RFA 2022
We are excited to announce the first Research Funding Award by the ACTION Consortium. Founded by five non-profit organisations, Anticancer Fund, The Evan Foundation, Kindred Foundation, Solving Kids’ Cancer UK and Zoé4Life, the ACTION Consortium is a collective force committed to Advancing Clinical Trial Implementation and Optimisation in Neuroblastoma.
Our debut funding call is focused on refractory and relapse neuroblastoma, calling for innovative approaches to accelerating clinical trials, and evaluation of novel therapies. By pooling our resources to form the ACTION Consortium, this award will be one of the largest seen in the neuroblastoma field, standing at $2 million. Our aim in this is to challenge the scientific community to bring proposals with the potential to instil significant change to the neuroblastoma landscape, which will directly and positively impact children facing this devastating disease.
This feat of international collaboration has been born from the shared values and missions of our five organisations- to drive and invest in clinical research that addresses the areas of most unmet need within childhood cancer, and bring better treatment to children as rapidly as possible. We are excited to be entering into this partnership for the benefit of children with neuroblastoma, and look forward to seeing this award progress.
This grant call has been developed and funded by the ACTION Consortium and is being managed by Solving Kids’ Cancer UK on behalf of consortium partners. All correspondence should be directed to: Leona Knox, Head of Research via
Read the full RFA document

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Read the full request for proposals for the ACTION Consortium RFA 2022.