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Solving Kids’ Cancer UK Children we help Donate
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Sponsorship form

Fundraising, 80.9 KB

Guess my time poster

Fundraising, 34.0 KB

Solving Kids' Cancer UK Bunting

Fundraising, 43.3 KB

Solving Kids' Cancer UK Gift Aid declaration form

Fundraising, 252.8 KB

By signing a Gift Aid declaration form you can boost your donation by 25%.

Daily Express campaign letter to MP

Awareness, 28.1 KB

Template letter to support our campaign for a neuroblastoma trial in the UK.

Relapse Prevention Therapies for high-risk neuroblastoma

Research, 139.4 KB

Special report on the current options for relapse-prevention for high-risk neuroblastoma.

Cost of living support

Support, 352.6 KB

Advice and guidance on how to manage the finances following a neuroblastoma diagnosis.

Hannah’s Heroes Fund sponsorship form

Hannah’s Heroes Fund sponsorship fund, 220.7 KB

Hannah’s Heroes Fund event poster

Hannah’s Heroes Fund event poster, 359.6 KB

Hannah’s Heroes Fund poster

Hannah’s Heroes Fund poster, 314.0 KB

Impact report

Charity brochure, 0 bytes

Find out more about the reality Solving Kids' Cancer UK is working to change and the impact we're having for children and families affected by neuroblastoma, thanks to all those supporting us.

Solving Kids' Cancer RFA 2019

Research, 508.3 KB

Read the full request for proposals from our 2019 grant call.


Research, 406.0 KB

Read the full request for proposals for the ACTION Consortium RFA 2022.

Solving Kids' Cancer UK Research Strategy

Research, 415.8 KB

Read the full research strategy that underpins this pillar of our work.

The Isla Caton Fund sponsorship form

The Isla Caton Fund sponsorship form, 307.8 KB

The Isla Caton Fund event poster

The Isla Caton Fund event poster, 432.3 KB

The Isla Caton Fund poster

The Isla Caton Fund poster, 436.1 KB

Teddy’s campaign sponsorship form

Teddy’s campaign sponsorship form, 347.4 KB

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