14 February 20201 MIN READ

Watch brave Kira on Scotland Tonight

Kira Noble, supported by Solving Kids' Cancer throughout her cancer journey, appeared on Scotland Tonight on 13th February as STV followed her latest scan and results.

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18 November 20193 MIN READ

Grant awarded to identify markers of poor survival in high-risk neuroblastoma

Solving Kids’ Cancer Europe, Solving Kids' Cancer in New York, Oscar Knox Fund, Smiles for Stanley Fund and Merryn Lacy Trust have awarded a grant of $420,000.

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1 November 20194 MIN READ

Outcome for children in the UK after high-risk neuroblastoma treatment

We explain the recent statement from the UK clinical community.

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15 October 20192 MIN READ

CCLG statement: Outcome after high-risk neuroblastoma treatment

SIOPEN, the UK National Cancer Research Institute Neuroblastoma Group and the CCLG Neuroblastoma Special Interest Group are committed to further improving the outcome for children with neuroblastoma.

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1 October 20194 MIN READ

BEACON study opens in Europe

This new clinical trial will be available to children in 40 hospitals across 11 European countries and has been jointly funded by Solving Kids’ Cancer UK and the French charity, Imagine for Margo.

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5 September 20191 MIN READ

Solving Kids' CancerUK receives £21,114 from GamesAid

Solving Kids' Cancer UK thanks GamesAid – the UK video games industry based charity – for their important and generous support in 2019.

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8 July 20192 MIN READ

Solving Kids’ Cancer UK grant to Professor John Anderson

Solving Kids’ Cancer is pleased to announce that it has awarded a grant of £250,000 to Professor John Anderson of UCL, to study preclinical refinements of treatment of neuroblastoma with CAR-T cells.

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30 May 20191 MIN READ

Investigating clinical and biological factors associated with relapse

A team at Newcastle University are carrying out a neuroblastoma study that is being sponsored by Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust and funded by Action Medical Research.

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8 January 20191 MIN READ

Solving Kids’ Cancer UK comment on NHS England’s Long Term Plan

We are pleased to see many of our own aims included in the new NHS England Long Term Plan, areas we are working so hard on to improve outcomes for children and families affected by neuroblastoma.

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