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Will you help children affected by the childhood cancer neuroblastoma?

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Can you imagine what it is like to hear that a child you love has cancer?

Twelve years ago, this was my reality when my three-year-old son, Oscar, was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer.

Oscar was kind, funny, sweet and charismatic – he was all our dreams come true. But he faced a battle for his life, one that he couldn’t win with the tools available to him. After enduring countless treatments, Oscar tragically lost his fight at the age of five. Not because he had cancer, but because we ran out of treatment options. No child or parent should ever have to endure this pain and helplessness.   

Sadly, they still do. Since my son’s passing, I left my corporate career behind and dedicated myself to the fight against childhood cancer and the critical need for research.

Shockingly, many standard treatments for paediatric cancers in the UK have remained unchanged for decades, with little differentiation from adult treatments. This means our children’s small, vulnerable bodies are subjected to harsh and toxic drugs that cause immense pain, suffering, lifelong side effects, and, too often, they are ineffective.  

A desperate situation that needs to change

Families are pushed to the brink, some feel the enormous burden of raising hundreds of thousands of pounds to access potentially life-saving treatments abroad once all NHS options are exhausted. 

It’s a heart-wrenching reality

Donate to our Urgent appeal today

A donation to Solving Kids' Cancers appeal will help support children and young people who have been diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

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